mercredi 29 avril 2015

In JavaScript Unit Testing, test same kind of data but get different result

this is my project directory :


i'm making a projcet for fetch info from website and write into file as json

when i use 'fs-extra' module to check the content of file , i get different result:


it's pretty weird , if i am got a wrong path for check file's content , those three unit testing case must fail together , but the first one pass !

unit testing log:


i use an object to config the path :

var config = {
    promiseData:    '../data/promiseData.json',
    asyncData:      '../data/asyncData.json',
    eventproxyData: '../data/eventproxyData.json'

and the data file all in the same directory , why the unit testing case only pass the first one ??

and then i try to use the readJson() and readJsonSync(), the result as before , only the first pass .

there are three same content in the file

and i'm confused and please help me , thanks a lot ~

the project address: callback

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