mardi 30 juin 2015

Jasmine: Mocking multiple Jquery Selectors that call same function

In JavaScript, I have a function I'd like to test using Jasmine 2.1.3:

   function someFunction(){
     var $firstSelector = $("#firstSelector").val();
     var $secondSelector = $("#secondSelector").val();

     // some function logic

How can I spy on the $firstSelector.val() and $secondSelector.val() to provide defined return values for each to test my function? e.g (i want to spy on $firstSelector.val() to return "Hello" and $secondSelector.val() to return "World").

I have read answers that allude to spying on the generic $.fn and returning a value for val. But I am unsure how it will give me the control of manually setting return values for different JQuery selector passed in. Is there a concept here I am missing?

Is it possible to have this level of control in terms of mocking JQuery $(someSelectorVariable).val() with different selectors as parameters?

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