mardi 29 septembre 2015

Assigning IMappingEngine in constructor causes mapping exception when mapping only when running from unit test

I have an unit test - where I do AutoMapperConfiguration in setup. I then set IMappingEngine as private property in the constructor in my class where I actually do mapping. Unit test fails if I use this property, but using the static method from automapper works fine. Both methods work fine when running the actual program. Only difference I can see is the unit tests are in a separate assembly. CLS compliance is turned on.

public class AutomapperConfiguration
    public static void Configure()
        Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
    public static void Reset()
public class AssetModelFactoryTests
    public void SetUp()
    public void TestA()
        var a = new A();

public class A
    private IMappingEngine _mappingEngine;
    public A()
         _mappingEngine = Mapper.Engine;

    public void DoA()
         Mapper.Map<Destination>(source); //works
         _mappingEngine.Map<Destionation>(source); //Throws mapping not supported

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