mardi 27 octobre 2015

C unit testing mocking of "private" functions

I am trying to implement TDD in C coding. I am building the program structure in a quite modularised way and using as atomic functions as possible. I make one test file (including several suits) for one module (module = header file + source file). I am struggling to make the program files "not know that they are being tested", in other words - I don't want testing parts of code in the proper program. Therefore almost often I need to include the source file in the test file in order to have access to the "private" variables and functions.

That was the intro, now the problem: if in a module I have an aaa() function, which uses inside a bbb() function, which uses some xxx() function from an external module, I can easily test the bbb() function in the atomic way by mocking the x() function: #define bbb mock_bbb and providing a mock xxx module for #include. However, I am unable to find a way of atomic testing of the aaa() function, which uses a function from the same module. Is it possible to do? (note, that apart of mocking bbb() for aaa(), I have to be also able to use the original bbb() to test it)

My closest try was to use -Wl,-wrap,xxx, but the problem is that I haven't found a way to automate this (wildcard or something?) - I will have almost 100 testing files, each containing several functions to test - I cannot allow myself to put manually every function in the makefile.

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