lundi 30 mai 2016

Evosuite: failure in executing test cases

I follow the evosuite maven documentation to generate unit test cases for my project. Below is the command I've used:

mvn -DmemoryInMB=2000 -Dcores=2 evosuite:generate evosuite:export  test

The tool takes around 1 hour to generate test cases for my project (with 9700 lines of Java code). However when it proceed to mvn test phase, all test cases failed with the same message:

Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec <<< FAILURE! - in  Time elapsed: 0 sec  <<< ERROR!
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Trying to set up the sandbox while executing a test case
    at <evosuite>.<evosuite>(<evosuite>)
    at <evosuite>.<evosuite>(<evosuite>)
    at <evosuite>.<evosuite>(<evosuite>)

While running the generated test case in Intellij IDEA most of them can pass the test:

enter image description here

Any one got any idea?

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