I'm trying to use proxyquire
to replace a method call within a module I'm testing, but it is calling the method as is despite the fact I have the stub set up. What am I doing wrong?
describe('Forms Reducer', () => {
describe('types.UPDATE_PRODUCT', () => {
it('should get new form blueprints when the product changes', () => {
const initialState = {
blueprints: [
id: 1,
categoryId: 1,
identifier: null,
name: "Investment Policy Statement",
sortGroup: 1,
wetSignRequired: false
const testBlueprints = [{ id: 999, categoryId: 1, name: "Form Blueprint Loaded From Product ID 1", sortGroup: 1, wetSignRequired: false }];
//use proxyquire to stub call to formsHelper.getFormsByProductId
let formsReducer = proxyquire.noCallThru().load('./formsReducer', {
formsHelper: {
getFormsByProductId: id => { return testBlueprints }
const action = {
type: types.UPDATE_PRODUCT,
product: {
id: 1,
accountTypeId: 1,
officeRangeId: 1,
additionalInfo: "",
enabled: true
const newState = formsReducer(initialState, action);
import * as types from '../constants/actionTypes';
import objectAssign from 'object-assign';
import initialState from './initialState';
import formsHelper from '../utils/FormsHelper';
export default function formsReducer(state = initialState.forms, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case types.UPDATE_PRODUCT: {
let formBlueprints = formsHelper.getFormsByProductId(action.product.id);
formBlueprints = formsHelper.addOrRemoveMnDisclosure(formBlueprints, action.stateOfResidence.id);
return objectAssign({}, state, {blueprints: formBlueprints, instances: []});
is not returning testBlueprints
as it should if it were properly stubbed via proxyquire
. What am I doing wrong?
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