I am working to extend a input directive myAddressPostalCode with an autocompletion functionality. After adding the typeahead functionality, back-synchronization from model (when model field is changed by another directive or service) stopped working. This causes my tests to fail. Any idea what could cause this?
My directive code:
var secretValue = "$-secret-$";
.directive("typeaheadWatchChanges", function() {
return {
require: ["ngModel"],
link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
scope.$watch(attr.typeaheadWatchChanges, function(value) {
if(((ctrls[0].$viewValue === "") || (typeof ctrls[0].$viewValue === "undefined")) && (value.length > 0)) {
.directive('myAddressPostalCode', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^myAddressContainer',
replace: true,
scope: true,
template: '<input ng-model="myAddress.postalCode" ng-blur="myValidateAddress()" my-apply-value my-validation my-validation-identifier="{{myIdentifier}}_postalCode" ' +
' typeahead="postalCode for postalCode in postalCodeBindList" ng-focus="onFocusPostalCode()" typeahead-watch-changes="postalCodeBindList" class="form-control">',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.postalCodeBindList = [];
scope.onFocusPostalCode = function() {
if((scope.myAddress.regionCode) && (scope.myAddress.regionCode === "$-secret-$")){
scope.myAddress.regionCode = "";
if((scope.myAddress.postalCode) && (scope.myAddress.postalCode === "$-secret-$")){
scope.myAddress.postalCode = "";
return scope.myLookupAddress(attrs.myFastCompletionProfile).
then(function (addressList) {
var postalCodeList = [];
addressList.forEach(function (postalCodeItem) {
if (postalCodeList.indexOf(postalCodeItem.postalCode) === -1) {
if (! (postalCodeList.length === 1 && postalCodeList[0] === scope.myAddress.postalCode)){
scope.postalCodeBindList = postalCodeList;
return postalCodeList;
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