I'm running unit tests in a class library project with NSpec framework, AutofacContrib.NSubstitute v3.3.2.0, NSubstitute v1.7.0.0 (the latest as of now is 1.8.2).
The Class Under Test instance is built with AutoSubstitute
, in order to automock all its needed dependencies.
AutoSubstitute autoSubstitute = new AutoSubstitute();
MainPanelViewModel viewModel = autoSubstitute.Resolve<MainPanelViewModel>();
If working properly, my Class Under Test at some point will invoke one of it's base class methods with some specific input parameter (the base class is out of my control):
// ...
// ...
So, for test expectation, I need to check (spy) that the instance invokes the base method:
Here's the problem: when I try to do this, at runtime NSubstitute complains that I can only ran Received()
against an object created with Substitute.For<>()
. I also checked quickly AutofacContrib.NSubstitute source code, but I could not find a way to obtain the instance with automocking and at the same time wrap it somehow in a spy object or something like that.
I also thought that maybe Substitute.ForPartsOf<>()
could be helpful, but that method does not seem to be found in NSubstitute v1.7.0.
For sake of completeness, here's NSubstitute full error:
NSubstitute extension methods like .Received() can only be called on objects created using Substitute.For() and related methods.
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