jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Error when testing PUT/POST methods of $resource using $httpBackend

I am having an issue where I am trying to test a service that has been set up using $resource, and has various methods GET, PUT, POST.

I am using $httpBackend in my tests, and it works fine when testing the GET requests but fails on the PUT/POST - I think it may be due to it sending an OPTIONS request first.

Strangely if I change the factory to use $ instead of using $resource, the test passes fine.

Does anyone know a way around this? Can I turn off the OPTIONS request? Or something...?



.factory('Reports', function ($resource, ApiConfig) {
        return $resource(ApiConfig.urlBase + "/protected/HttpResource/:id",{},{
        update: {method: 'PUT'},
        get: {method: 'GET',isArray: true},
        search: {method: 'GET',isArray: false},
        save: {method: 'POST'}

The ApiConfig.urlBase resolves to http://localhost:8080/... in the tests

test file

describe("Reports", function() {


beforeEach(inject(function(_Reports_, _$httpBackend_, _ApiConfig_) {
    Reports = _Reports_;
    $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
    ApiConfig = _ApiConfig_;

afterEach(function() {

describe("save method", function() {

    var report = {name: "TestReport", type: "HttpResource"};

    beforeEach(function() {
        url = ApiConfig.urlBase + "/protected/HttpResource/";
        $httpBackend.when("POST", url).respond();

    it("should make POST request when save method called", function() {

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