in the past I have used webstorm, karma, jasmine and phantom to run js tests. I have to now run tests within VS2015 and opted for resharper/jasmine and phantom js. I have my tests running ok and its actually looking good. The only gripe I have is that with karma you could specify wild card references and hence using a config all the referenced dependent js files are in one location. Now Im having to specify references in every spec file that I create. Is there an better way of doing this?
e.g. at the top of my spec file I have a couple of these:
///<reference path="~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine.js"/>
///<reference path="~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine.js"/>
///<reference path="~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine-html.js"/>
///<reference path="~/Scripts/jasmine/boot.js"/>
///<reference path="~/Scripts/angular-core/angular.js"/>
and each file has much of the same references copied and pasted.
As a side note - I have also noticed that under the scripts folder in my mvc app there is an auto gen _references.js file that seems to have all my referenced files in it (though some paths are relative) - not sure that that is!
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