mercredi 2 septembre 2015

How to dynamically subclass (or implement) a base class (or an interface)?

I want to test a parametric Abstract Factory Method implementation:

public class AbstractChairFactory
  public static ChairFactory GetFactory(IChairType type)
    if(type is ChairA)
    if(type is ChairB)
    throw new Exception("Unknow type");

interface IChairType {}
class ChairA : IChairType

class ChairB : IChairType

AbstractChairFactory.GetFactory method should throw exception when instance of any type rather than of type IChairType is passed to it.

One way is to design yet another class FakeType:

class FakeType : IChairType {}

and pass it throgh.

But is there any better way to do so? I mean a way to dynamically implement IChairType. Something like this:

   IChairType fakeInstance = SomeMagic.GetAFakeVersionOf<IChairType>();



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