mercredi 2 septembre 2015

Mock parent class __init__ method

I am trying to write some unittests on a class which is derived from another, but I have some difficulties to mock the parent class init method, which afaik you cannot, so I am looking for suggestion.

Here an example of how are my classes

class Imported():
    def __init__(self, a="I am Imported"):

from Imported import Imported

class Parent(object):

    parent_list = ["PARENT"]

    def __init__(self, a="I am Parent"):
        imported = Imported(a)

from Parent import Parent

class Derived(Parent):


In my unittests I want to verify that Parent.parent_list == ["PARENT", "DERIVED"] when I instantiate an object from the Derived class, Derived().

Both of this solution doesn't work

import unittest
from mock import patch

from Derived import Derived

class test_Derived(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_init_001(self, mock_parent_init):
        a = Derived("I am Derived")
        mock_parent_init.assert_called_with("I am Derived")
        self.assertEquals(a.parent_list, ["PARENT", "DERIVED"])

    def test_init_002(self, mock_parent_init):
        a = Derived("I am Derived")
        mock_parent_init.assert_called_with("I am Derived")
        self.assertEquals(a.parent_list, ["PARENT", "DERIVED"])

test_init_001 fails with

TypeError: __init__() should return None, not 'MagicMock'

test_init_002 fails with

ImportError: No module named Parent.Imported

Any suggestion?

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