mardi 1 septembre 2015

Test web service using unit tests

I have implemented some simple web services, and I want to test them using unit tests. I really don't know how to do it for the POST and DELETE methods. Also I would like to use the @Before and After annotations.

Here is my code:

public class Server {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        JAXRSServerFactoryBean serverFactory = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
                new SingletonResourceProvider(new SubscriptionService()));


the class for the Service

public class SubscriptionService {

    public Response getSubscriptionStatus(@PathParam("subsId") int subsId) {
        return Response.status(200).entity("subscription status for id: " + subsId).build();

    public String subscribe(String url) {
//      subscriberList.add(url);
        return "subscribed";

    public String unsubscribe(@PathParam("subId") int subsId ) {
//      subscriberList.remove(subsId);
        return "unsubscribed";


and the test class:

public class TestSubscriptionService {

    private SubscriptionService service = new SubscriptionService();

    public void testGetSubscriptionStatus() {

        final Response response = service.getSubscriptionStatus(5);

        Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
        Assert.assertEquals("subscription status for id: 5", response.getEntity());

    public void testSubscribe() {


The test for the GET method passes but I don't know if it is ok like I implemented it.

Can anyone help me with some advices

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