There is a post_save signal in a model called App
that creates or updates an AWS SNS PlatformApplication:
@receiver(post_save, sender=App)
def post_save_app_handler(sender, **kwargs):
app = kwargs.get('instance')
c = sns.connect_to_region(
aws_access_key_id = settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
aws_secret_access_key = settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
if kwargs.get('created'):
create_amazon_sns_apps(c, app)
def create_amazon_sns_apps(c, app):
# Android - Google Cloud Messaging
app.aws_sns_platform_app_arn_gcm = create_amazon_sns_apps_gcm(c, app)
# same for iOS
def create_amazon_sns_apps_gcm(connection, app):
pa_gcm_attrs = {
'PlatformCredential': 'an-API-Key',
platform_application_name = "{0}-{1}-gcm".format(settings.AWS_SNS_PLATFORM_APPLICATION_PREFIX ,
r = connection.create_platform_application(name=platform_application_name, platform="GCM", attributes=pa_gcm_attrs)
return r['CreatePlatformApplicationResponse']['CreatePlatformApplicationResult']['PlatformApplicationArn']
I'm trying to write a test that checks if the App can be created correctly with my API.
I found the Moto libray but I can't find a way to test things that are in post_save
signals. It looks like I can create elements in the setUp method and then use them in a test:
from moto import mock_s3, mock_sns
import boto
class APIZoneTestCase(APITestCase):
def setUp(self):
# ... = App.objects.create(name='a1')
# now runs post_signal, goes to amazon, creates the PlatformApplication, and sets the field aws_sns_gcm_arn using the response
def test_one(self):
# how do I check that app has the field app.aws_sns_platform_app_arn_gcm set correctly?
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