I am using Play Framework Java v2.4.2. I am working on a multi-module project. I have a module as "authenication" and another module as "profile". All me dependencies are set correctly. I have few utility classes under authentiaiton > test package. These classes are used as helper classes in my unit tests. I want to make use of these utility classes in my profile > test > JUnit tests. Can you please let me know how to create classes/package in Play framework that can be using only under Testing and not including them in Production code?
build.sbt: lazy val profile = (project.in(file("modules/profile"))).enablePlugins(PlayJava, PlayEbean) .aggregate(authentication, dbconnector).dependsOn(authentication, dbconnector) lazy val authentication = (project.in(file("modules/authentication"))).enablePlugins(PlayJava, PlayEbean) .aggregate(dbconnector).dependsOn(dbconnector) lazy val dbconnector = (project.in(file("modules/dbconnector"))).enablePlugins(PlayJava)
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