jeudi 28 janvier 2016

check field labels are visible and contain the correct text with Protractor

I'm trying to verify that some field labels are visible and present.

The are contained in the following:

<dl class="dl-horizontal rec-details"> 
<dt> Id </dt> 
<dd class="ng-binding"> 1 </dd> 

<dt> Date </dt> 
<dd class="ng-binding"> 28/01/2015 </dd> 

<dt> Amount (£) </dt> 
<dd class="ng-binding"> -7.24 </dd> 

<dt> Description  </dt> 
<dd class="ng-binding"> 12345 </dd> 

So basically I just need to check that within the element (with css class rec-details) that ID, Date, Amount + Description are there?

How can this done with protractor?


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