mardi 1 mars 2016

Setup Mocked ViewModel for Unit Testing

Here is the scenario:

I'm writing a test for my controller and need to setup a view model titled CheckoutViewModel. My controller method, Products does not take CheckoutViewModel as a parameter, so I cannot pass it in that way.

Currently, the test fails returning a Null Exception because CheckoutViewModel is not getting set and called.

Question: How can I setup my CheckoutViewModel with data.

Error Details:

  • System.NullReferenceException

  • Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Current Test

public void Products_ProductControllerIsCalled_ReturnsViewWithProducts()
    // Arrange
    var currentSession = _autoMoqer.GetMock<ICurrentSession>().Object;
    ProductController productController = new ProductController(currentSession);

    var checkoutViewModel = new CheckoutViewModel
        CheckoutId = new Guid()

    // Act
    ActionResult result = productController.Products();

    // Assert
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));


 public ActionResult Products()
    CheckoutViewModel checkoutViewModel = GetCheckoutViewModel();
    var checkoutId = checkoutViewModel.CheckoutId;
    var result = _productOrchestrator.Products(checkoutId, currentSession)

    return View(result);

Failing on this method

private CheckoutViewModel GetCheckoutViewModel()
    if(Session["CheckoutViewModel"] == null)
        return new CheckoutViewModel();
    return (CheckoutViewModel)Session["CheckoutViewModel"];

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