samedi 26 mars 2016

Unit Testing IHttpActionResult Controller - Testing for 200 OK fails

This is probably a fairly simple question but I'll admit, I'm stuck.

I have a controller that is returning IHttpActionResult and I need to write unit tests for this.

Here's the controller:

public IHttpActionResult GetPerson(int id) {

    Person person = repository.Get(id);

    if (person == null) {
        throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

    return Ok(new {
        User = person


Here's the unit test:

public void GetReturnsValidPerson() {

    var userController = new UserController();

    IHttpActionResult actionResult = userController.GetPerson(1);

    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(OkResult));


And here's the error from the test:

Assert.IsInstanceOfType failed. Expected type:. Actual type:.

What exactly is going on here? The return from the controller is an HTTP 200 Ok response. Why is this expecting OkNegotiatedContentResult?

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