I have the below method which I need to write unit tests for. But I cannot spy the class KeyStore. It throws the below exception.
org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: Unable to create mock instance of type 'KeyStore'
I can mock it though. But when I go to assign the behavior for the mock methods it throws exceptions. Methods I called and the exceptions I got are as follows.
java.security.KeyStoreException: Uninitialized keystore
Below is the method I'm trying to test.
public boolean verifySignature(String filePath, String extractContentsPath, String csvParams)
throws ServiceSDKException {
boolean result = false;
String typeOfCertificateStore = "";
String certificateStoreProvider = "";
String certificateName = "";
SignerInformationVerifier verifier = null;
if (filePath != null && extractContentsPath != null && csvParams != null && !filePath.isEmpty()
&& !extractContentsPath.isEmpty() && !csvParams.isEmpty()) {
try {
String[] receivedParams = csvParams.split(",");
typeOfCertificateStore = receivedParams[0];
certificateStoreProvider = receivedParams[1];
certificateName = receivedParams[2];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ServiceSDKException("csvParams should have type of certificate store, certificate store provider and certificate name respectively", e);
try {
Path signedDataFilePath = Paths.get(filePath);
Path pathToExtractContents = Paths.get(extractContentsPath);
KeyStore msCertStore = KeyStore.getInstance(typeOfCertificateStore, certificateStoreProvider);
msCertStore.load(null, null);
try {
verifier = new JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder()
.build(((X509Certificate) msCertStore.getCertificate(certificateName)));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceSDKException("Exception occurred when building certificate",e);
verify(signedDataFilePath, pathToExtractContents, verifier);
result = true;
} catch (KeyStoreException | NoSuchProviderException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException
| CertificateException e) {
result = false;
throw new ServiceSDKException("Exception occurred while preparing to verify signature " , e);
} else {
throw new ServiceSDKException("FilePath,extract contents path or csv params cannot be empty or null");
return result;
How can I mock KeyStore and its method behaviors? Please advice.
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