I'm dealing with an Oracle 10g database and the following stored procedure is provided:
procedure get_synopsis (
p_id in my_schema.products.p_id%type,
p_synopses out sys_refcursor); -- cursor of - synopsis_type, synopsis_text
In my Java code I prepare the statement in this way:
String idForDb = fromIdUrlToIdDb(prodIdUrl);
statement.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
statement.setString(1, idForDb );
statement.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
And I get the data I need in this way:
String defaultSyn, nonDefSyn;
String returnedId = ((OracleCallableStatement)stm).getString(1);
try ( ResultSet synopses = ((OracleCallableStatement)stm).getCursor(2) ){ // p_synopses - cursor of: synopsis_type, synopsis_text
while( synopses!=null && synopses.next() ){
String type = synopses.getString(1) != null ? synopses.getString(1).toUpperCase() : null;
if( type != null ){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( synopses.getClob(2).getCharacterStream() );
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
defaultSyn = sb.toString();
}else if("NONDEFAULT".equals(type)){
nonDefSyn = sb.toString();
// ...
In my tests how can I mock (OracleCallableStatement)stm.getCursor(2)?
I'm trying with org.jmock.Mockery but without success:
Mockery mockery_inner = new Mockery();
final ResultSet mocked_resultset = mockery_inner.mock(ResultSet.class);
mockery_inner.checking(new Expectations() {{
allowing(mocked_resultset).getString(1); will(returnValue("TEST_SYNOPSES-TYPE"));
allowing(mocked_resultset).getClob(2); will(returnValue("TEST_CLOooooooB"));
Mockery mockery = new Mockery();
final CallableStatement statement = mockery.mock(CallableStatement.class);
mockery.checking(new Expectations() {{
allowing(statement).getString(1); will(returnValue("TEST_RETURNED-PROD-ID"));
allowing(statement).getCursor(2); will(returnValue(mocked_resultset)); // cannot find symbol getCursor(int). Location: interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Reason clearly is: cannot find symbol getCursor(int). Location: interface java.sql.CallableStatement.
If I try allowing((OracleCallableStatement)statement).getCursor(2) I get "java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy6 cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement". Note: OracleCallableStatement is not an interface and thus cannot be mocked with Mockery.
I'm trying to use a "manual" mock but I'm having problems creating an instance..
class MockOracleCallableStatement implements OracleCallableStatement {
ResultSet mocked_resultset;
public MockOracleCallableStatement(){
Mockery mockery_inner = new Mockery();
mocked_resultset = mockery_inner.mock(ResultSet.class);
mockery_inner.checking(new Expectations() {{
allowing(mocked_resultset).getString(1); will(returnValue("DEFAULT")); // will pick value from an array
allowing(mocked_resultset).getClob(2); will(returnValue("TEST_CLOooooooooooB"));
ResultSet getCursor(int paramIndex) throws SQLException{
return mocked_resultset;
String getString(int paramIndex) throws SQLException{
return "mockedGetString1--test";
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