mardi 26 avril 2016

Patterns for testing ICommand that call async methods

I am just looking at best practices for unit testing (NUnit) ICommand and specifically the MvxCommand implementation within MVVMCross

View Model


public ICommand GetAuthorisationCommand
    get { return new MvxCommand(
            async () => await GetAuthorisationToken(),
            () => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Password)); }


private async Task GetAuthorisationToken()
    ...Do something async

Unit Test

    public async Task DoLogonCommandTest()
        ViewModel vm = new ViewModel(clubCache, authorisationCache, authorisationService);

        await Task.Run(() => vm.GetAuthorisationToken.Execute(null));

        Assert.Greater(MockDispatcher.Requests.Count, 0);

Now the problem I have is that the tests drop through with out awaiting the async operations and this feels a little hacky in calling the async method from the ICommand.

Are there any best practices in unit testing these kind of ICommands and async methods?

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