lundi 27 juin 2016

Do I need to write unit test for configuration constants?

I am writing unit test cases using karma-jasmine for my angular application. I have a configuration constant something like this:

app.constant('Configuration', {
  BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:3030',
  SUPPORTED_BROWSERS: ['Chrome', 'Firefox', 'CriOs']

I need to test the unit test the Configuration constant. I don't know whether it makes sense or not testing a constant. My suits will be something like this:

describe('Configuration.SUPPORTED_BROWSERS', function() {

  it('should say only 3 browsers are supported', function() {
  it('should say crios is supported', function() {
    var temp = Configuration.SUPPORTED_BROWSERS.some(function(browser) {
      return browser.toLowerCase() === 'chrome';
  it('should say firefox is supported', function() {
    var temp = Configuration.SUPPORTED_BROWSERS.some(function(browser) {
      return browser.toLowerCase() === 'firefox';
  it('should say chrome is supported', function() {
    var temp = Configuration.SUPPORTED_BROWSERS.some(function(browser) {
      return browser.toLowerCase() === 'crios';

I am not sure whether it is good to test something which is constant, does not contain any logic and is hard coded.

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