vendredi 3 juin 2016

Mocking out EHCache with PowerMock

I'm trying to mock out ehcache for testing, somehow I can't mock out the call to Element.getObjectValue(), I get null whatever I do.

Part of code that is being tested:

final Cache paymentFrequencyCache = cm.getCache("paymentFrequencyCache");

Element paymentFrequencyElement = paymentFrequencyCache.get(PAYMENT_FREQUENCY_CACHEKEY);
if (null != paymentFrequencyElement) {
    return (ArrayList<PaymentFrequencyType>)paymentFrequencyElement.getObjectValue();
} else {

Test initialization:

@PrepareForTest({Element.class, Cache.class, CacheManager.class})
@SuppressStaticInitializationFor({"net.sf.ehcache.Element", "net.sf.ehcache.Cache"})
public class ServiceRepPlan201411ImplTest {
    ArrayList<PaymentFrequencyType> paymentFrequencyTypes = new ArrayList<>();

    CacheManager cacheManagerMock;

    Cache paymentFrequencyCacheMock;

    Element paymentFrequencyElementMock;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {


When I get to the paymentFrequencyElement.getObjectValue(); function, it returns null instead of the ArrayList I have set up with

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