I'm new to Python, but I've done quite a bit of unit testing in C# and JavaScript. I'm having trouble figuring out the mocking framework in Python. Here's what I have (trimmed down):
import ims.repository.invoice_repository as invoiceRepository
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def update_invoice_statuses(invoices):
for invoice in invoices:
dbInvoice = invoiceRepository.get(invoice.invoice_id)
print("dbInvoice is %s" % dbInvoice) #prints <MagicMock etc.>
if dbInvoice is None:
logger.error("Unable to update status for invoice %d" % invoice.invoice_id)
from unittest import TestCase, mock
import logging
import ims.business.invoice_business as business
class UpdateInvoiceTests(TestCase):
def test_invoiceDoesNotExist_logsErrorAndContinues(self, invoiceRepoMock, loggerMock):
invoice = Invoice(123)
invoice.set_status(InvoiceStatus.Filed, None)
loggerMock.error.assert_called_once_with("Unable to update status for invoice 123")
The test fails with "AssertionError: Expected 'get' to be called once. Called 0 times." The print
statement in update_invoice_statuses
gets hit, though, because I see the output of "dbInvoice is
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
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