vendredi 29 juillet 2016

How to interpret and run the following ant command?

I am new to nodeJS and Jake but in my company they are using it to run unit tests.This is how they are running unit tests through ant

    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${nodeJsTests.basedir}/../nodejs/">
        <arg value="/C"/>
        <arg value="start cmd /C &quot;npm install &amp; .\node_modules\.bin\jake local dir=${basedir} --trace &amp; pause&quot;" />

From what I understood is they are doing the following things in this piece of code, do correct me if I am wrong

  1. Going to nodejs driectory.
  2. Installing jake at a particular location (.\node_modules.bin\jake)
  3. Run unit tests

I want to achieve the same(run the tests), without using ant.I think I am able to do first two steps but stuck in the third step.I tried running command - Jake local from various directories but no success

If anyone can help me on this?

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