vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Redux Unit Test - reducers and action creators

I'm recently learning Redux and writing Unit Test as part of TDD process using Jest

Im writing test for action creators and reducers. But i'm struggling with: can I make use of action creators in the reducers test?

import * as types from './../../constants/auth';
import * as actions from './../../actions/auth';
import reducer, {initialState} from './../auth';

can I do this

it('it should set isFetching to true', () => {
    const expectedState = {
        isFetching: true

        reducer(initialState, actions.loginPending())

instead of this?

it('it should set isFetching to true', () => {
    const expectedState = {
        isFetching: true

        reducer(initialState, {type: types.LOGIN_PENDING})

I came to this doubt because the official documentation use hard coded action in the reducers test:

  reducer([], {
    type: types.ADD_TODO,
    text: 'Run the tests'
      text: 'Run the tests',
      completed: false,
      id: 0

I guess using hard coded actions is the best practice isn't?

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