All I want to do is test that the controller is actually calling render
I don't care about the output in this test, so I don't want to check the response.body
. I just want to make sure the method of render
is being sent to the controller.
controller action:
def create
render json: { error: "some error" }, status: :unprocessable_entity
This is literally the only expectation the spec so there is nothing conflicting.
it "renders error in json" do
args = {
json: { error: "some error" },
status: :unprocessable_entity
expect(controller).to receive(:render).with(args)
post :create, user: { upload: upload }
# rspec spec/controllers
expected: ({:json=>{:error=>"some error"}, :status=>:unprocessable_entity})
got: (no args)
Here is possible clue of me doing something wrong. This is what happens when I remove the argument expectation:
it "renders error in json" do
expect(controller).to receive(:render) # no args expectation
post :create, price_patch_upload: { upload: upload } # called two times??
# rspec spec/controllers
expected: 1 time with any arguments
received: 2 times with any arguments
What am I missing here?
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