Below is the test class I written to test file copy function
public class SparkTestClass {
private Configuration conf;
private FileSystem fs;
private JavaSparkContext jcTest;
private FunUtil funUtil = new FunUtil();
public static void setupTest() throws Exception{
// logging
public void setup() throws Exception{
conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf()
jcTest = new JavaSparkContext("local", "test", conf);
public void tearDown() {
if(jcTest != null){
jcTest = null;
public void testCopytoRaw() throws FileAlreadyExistsException ,IOException,Exception{
String path = "unit_test_output";
JavaRDD<String> inputTestRDD = jcTest.parallelize(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
Assert.assertEquals(fs.exists(new Path(path)) , false);
funUtil.copyTextToRaw(inputTestRDD, path);
Assert.assertEquals(fs.exists(new Path(path)) , true);
I run job by spark-submit --class "driver_name" "jar" --master [local].But How do I run test class cluster/local? This test case is to test file copy function.
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