mardi 13 septembre 2016

Injecting mockito-mocked beans into Spring Boot bean for testing still load dependencies

Here is my test class:

public class AseCalculatorApplicationImplTest {

    AseCalculatorApplicationImpl aseCalculatorApplicationImpl;

    public void test() {

class AseCalculatorApplicationImplTestConfig {

    public StaticBean staticBean() {
        return Mockito.mock(StaticBean.class);

    public JmsTemplate jmsTopicTemplate() {
        return Mockito.mock(JmsTemplate.class);

    public AseCalculatorApplicationImpl aseCalculatorApplicationImpl() {
        return new AseCalculatorApplicationImpl();

My AseCalculatorApplicationImpl class has the autowired beans (no constructor or setters, autowired by refelection):

public class AseCalculatorApplicationImpl {

    StaticBean staticBean;

    JmsTemplate jmsTopicTemplate;

    [ ... omitted for brevity]

In My Static Bean it autowires a Hibernate Session Factory:

public class StaticBean {

    private SessionFactory hibernateSessionFactory;

    [ ... omitted for brevity]

Now my understanding is that my AseCalculatorApplicationImplTestConfig will create a mock StaticBean, which is basically a Mockito empty shell, and not use any of the code / dependencies / beans from the class itself. And yet, I feel like I've tried every variation of creating my test beans, annotating them as @MockBean, annotating my Impl with @InjectMocks, and yet every time it fails with:

  No qualifying bean of type [org.hibernate.SessionFactory] found for dependency [org.hibernate.SessionFactory]

I know I could change my Impl class and have a constructor marked as @Autowired that then sets my staticBean, but I like how clean it is not to have to do that. But I can't figure out what I've done wrong with my Test Config creating my mock Beans - why is it trying to inject the hibernateSessionFactory when the bean is mocked??

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