jeudi 1 septembre 2016

LibLog - Asserting calls to the logger

When using LibLog, is it possible to assert calls to the logger? Given the wiki lists the following example for usage:

public class MyClass
    private static readonly ILog Logger = LogProvider.For<MyClass>(); 

Here the logger is an implementation detail hidden from the consumer, which is most of the benefit of using this library. Such that the library consumer does not have to worry about how loggers are instantiated. Looking at this blog post:

It seems that a lot of boiler plate is added to capture the log output, I'm not entirely sure about the approach, given that it also uses a redirected Serilog output in the unit test, something that seems odd given the library should only rely on the logging abstraction?

The only options I can currently think of are:

Inject the logger - This probably would be odd for the consumer of the library, and each library then would carry it's own ILogger definition that needs to be injected, defeating the advantages of the abstraction.

Wire up to a real logging framework - Set the current LogProvider for LibLog to use Log4Net or similar, and then somehow try and inject a mock / stub Logger into Log4Net, and assert calls via proxy.

Any relatively simple way to assert calls to the logger would be appreciated, but I suspect parallel test execution would cause problems even if it was possible to assert calls on the above logger?

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