mardi 30 juin 2015

Karma testing adding unnecessary folders to path

I'm trying to do some unit testing and I'm at the end of my rope. I've moved files, rewritten things countless times, and I still can't get the damn thing to work. I've followed this tutorial exactly and it still doesn't work.

When I run "gulp tests", and I am in my ~/git/mobile directory, I get the following output

Josh@DAEDALUS ~/git/mobile (unit-testing)
$ gulp test 
[10:28:40] Using gulpfile c:\Users\Josh\git\mobile\gulpfile.js
[10:28:40] Starting 'test'...
WARN [watcher]: Pattern  "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/www/lib/angular/angular.
js" does not match any file.
WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/node_modules/angular-moc
ks/angular-mocks.js" does not match any file.
WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/www/js/app.js" does not
 match any file.
WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/www/js/controller.js" do
es not match any file.
WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/www/js/services.js" does
not match any file.
 WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/tests/Controllers/contro
 llers.tests.js" does not match any file.
WARN [watcher]: Pattern "c:/Users/Josh/git/mobile/tests/tests/Services/services.
tests.js" does not match any file.
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.37 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket --QoOiVt0ZraOpiQ3q
zd with id 22369565
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8 0.0.0): Executed 0 of 0 ERROR (0.003 secs / 0 secs)
[10:28:42] Finished 'test' after 2.19 s

See, I don't get why it decides that it wants to add the /tests/ folder out of nowhere. It's not in my directory. For example, a proper path would be c:/users/josh/git/mobile/www/js/controller.js That tests folder isn't there. There is a tests folder in my mobile directory, but it doesn't contain anything but my "my.conf.js" and two subdirectories which contain my test files. I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong. I've tried adding ../, ./, /, or removing that all together from the beginning of my files paths in my.conf.js. Here is the contents of "my.conf.js" Here is the contents of "gulpfile.js"

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