lundi 28 décembre 2015

How to mock Spring dependencies in mockito

I am trying to mock Spring Beans. I am able to Mock object B and C. But am not able to Mock the object inside class B. The mock that is inserted in class A contains B . but X and Y are null even though i have mocked them. is there any way in Mockito to mock the Objects of member of member inside the Spring bean.

@Scope(value = "prototype")
public class A {        
    private B b;
    private C c;        

@Scope(value = "prototype")
public class B {        
    private X x;
    private Y y;        

The Testing Class in which i need to populate all the dependencies of Class A.

public class ATest {     

    A a = new A();    

    private B b;
    private C c;

    private X x;
    private Y y;

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