lundi 28 décembre 2015

Testing with sinon, QUnit and jquery. function loads on $(document).ready(function(){})(jQuery)

I have a function inside my javascript file as follow:

    "use strict";

    function loadPics(){
        $.getJSON(formUrl(), function(data){
             if (data) {

the test from my spec.js look as follow:

QUnit.test("jQuery.getJSON should be called", function (assert) {
    var spy = this.spy(jQuery, 'getJSON');

    sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 1);

the function loadPics() containing the getJSON inside of my jQuery gets called. but when i try to get the callcount(spy, 1) it returns false; The only thing i am trying to test is how many getJSON calls are inside my JS, without making the functions available to my window object.

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