samedi 30 janvier 2016

Injecting Mocked objects using FactoryBean

I have a FactoryBean (Spring) defined as follows:

public class AMockFactoryBean extends EasyMockFactoryBean<A>{

    public AMockFactoryBean() {

    public A getObject() throws Exception {
        MockA a= new MockA();
        return new MockA();

The class A has an object of type B autowired:

public abstract class A {

    protected B b;


MockA implements a few abstract classes and EasyMockFactoryBean utilizes the Spring FactoryBean method.

In my app.xml config I have:

<bean id="mockedA" class="AMockFactoryBean" />

My test class:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:testContext.xml")
public class ATest {

    private A mockedA;


Result: mockedA in ATest is autowired correctly, but the autowired field A.b has been set to null by Spring. In debug mode I see how getObject() in AMockFactoryBean is called and how mockedA is given a Mock instance of EasyMock. But when the debugger jumps into the ATest class, mockedA.b is null. Why?

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