jeudi 28 juillet 2016

httpBackend Mock AJAX ES6 Promise in $q.when

I'm trying to mock a response to a JSONP GET request which is made with a function that returns an ES6 promise which I've wrapped in $q.when(). The code itself works just fine, however, in the unit tests the request is not being caught by $httpBackend and goes through right to the actual URL. Thus when flush() is called I get an error stating Error: No pending request to flush !. The JSONP request is made via jQuery's $.getJSON() inside the ES6 promise so I opted to try and catch all outgoing requests by providing a regex instead of a hard-coded URL.

I've been searching all over trying to figure this out for a while now and still have yet to understand what's causing the call to go through. I feel as if the HTTP request in the ES6 promise is being made "outside of Angular" so $httpBackend doesn't know about it / isn't able to catch it, although that may not be the case if the call was being made inside of a $q promise from the get-go. Can anyone possibly tell me why this call is going through and why a simple timeout will work just fine? I've tried all combinations of $scope.$apply, $scope.$digest, and $httpBackend.flush() here, but to no avail.

Maybe some code will explain it better...


function homeController() {
    var self = this;
    self.getData = function getData() {
        $q.when(user.getUserInformation()).then(function() {
            self.username = user.username;

Unit Test



describe('Controller', function() {
    var $httpBackend, scope, ctrl;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $rootScope, $componentController) {
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        scope = $rootScope.$new(); // used to try and call $digest or $apply
        // have also tried whenGET, when('GET', ..), etc...
                            "user_information": {
                                "username": "TestUser",
        ctrl = $componentController("home");

    it("should add the username to the controller", function() {
        ctrl.getData(); // make HTTP request
        $httpBackend.flush(); // Error: No pending request to flush !


For some reason this works, however:

    it("should add the username to the controller", function() {
        ctrl.getData(); // make HTTP request
        setTimeout(() => {
            // don't even need to call flush, $digest, or $apply...?

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