mercredi 31 août 2016

What is the correct way of using sinon spy restore or reset?

I have a test suit with mocha, sinon and chai:

describe('general visor methods tests', () => {

    let res, req, next, resSpy, resNext;

    beforeEach(() => {
        res = {};
        next = () => {};
        resSpy = res.json = sinon.spy();
        resNext = next = sinon.spy();
    afterEach(() => {

describe('get basemap layers from owner model', () => {
    it('should send the basemap provided by the owner model', () => {
        owner.basemap = ['basemap1', 'basemap2'];
        getBaseMapLayersFromConfig(req, res, next);
        //  console.log(resSpy.args[0][0].data);
        expect(resSpy.args[0][0].message).to.eql('basemaps correctly found');
        expect(resSpy.args[0][0].data).to.eql(['basemap1', 'basemap2']);


if I put resSpy.reset() it works fine. I've read that the reset() function is to reset the state of the spy.

But what i don't understand is that if i put resSpy.restore() then it thows the next error:

TypeError: resSpy.restore is not a function

I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what should be the correct way of using restore.

Also I don't quite know when should i use reset or restore.

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