mardi 24 février 2015

FakeItEasy - Having an interface fake inherit from abstract while both share same interface inheritance

I have an interface

public interface IInterface { void DoSomething(); }

Another interface

public interface IOtherInterface : IInterface { }

An abstract class

public abstract class AbstractClass : IInterface
public void DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("Got here");

I'm writing a unit test and fake IOtherInterface. The abstract class already contains helpful methods I'd want to leverage for my unit test. How would I make my A.Fake<IOtherInterface>(); inherit from AbstractClass?

This is what I've tried so far but it doesn't work - AbstractClass.DoSomething does not get hit.

IOtherInterface fake = A.Fake<IOtherInterface>(builder => builder.Implements(typeof (AbstractClass)));


Of course if I make a proxy like:

var abstractFake = A.Fake<AbstractClass>();
A.CallTo(() => fake.DoSomething()).Invokes(abstractFake.DoSomething);


... things work as I wanted. Is there a built in mechanism to achieve this so that I don't need that proxy abstractFake object?

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