jeudi 26 février 2015

How to reuse tests in Yii2 Codeception

I am setting up new project based on Yii2 and Codeception. I am using advanced app template (backend, common, frontend).

I want most of frontend ActiveRecords to be "ReadOnly" so I made special Trait where I am blocking appropriate methods like save, insert, delete, update, ...

trait ReadOnlyActiveRecord {

* @throws \yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpException
public function save($runValidation = true, $attributeNames = null)
return self::throwNotAllowedException(__FUNCTION__);


It simply throws an MethodNotAllowedHttpException.

Now I use this Trait in multiple frontend ARs and want to test them using Codeception like following

use \Codeception\Specify;

* @expectedException \yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpException
public function testSaveMethod()
$model = new AppLanguage();

$this->specify('model should be unsaveable', function () use ($model) {

expect('save function is not allowed', $model->save())->false();

* @expectedException \yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpException
public function testInsertMethod()
$model = new AppLanguage();

$this->specify('model should be unisertable', function () use ($model) {

expect('insert function is not allowed', $model->save())->false();

// ...

I now I am figuring out how to use these tests in multiple TestCests so I won't rewrite the code again and again in each of Cest.

So I am thinking about something like

* Tests ActiveRecord is read only
public function testReadOnly()
$model = new AppLanguage();


So my question is:

Where to put the test methods and how to include and call them in specific Cests?

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

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