jeudi 26 février 2015

How do I test that a method was called within a grails asynchronous promise?

I'm trying the verify that a method contained in a promise was called, using a unit test.

I have a CallerService, that will call classA.methodA() within a task,

class CallerService {

def classA

def callA() {
Promise p = task {
p.onComplete {
println "complete"
p.onError { Throwable err ->
println "there was an error"

and a unit test that mocks ClassA and tries the verify that methodA was called once.

def "calling A"() {
given:"a mock classA"
def mockClassA = Mock(ClassA)
service.classA = mockClassA

when:"callA is called"

then:"methodA should be called once"
1* mockClassA.methodA()

The tests fails because the mock was called twice.

| Failure: calling A(promisespike.CallerServiceSpec)
| Too many invocations for:
1* mockClassA.methodA() (2 invocations)
Matching invocations (ordered by last occurrence):
2 * mockClassA.methodA() <-- this triggered the error

Is this the result I should be expecting or have I setup my test incorrectly?

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