There seems to be several ways to stub out services when testing Angular controllers using Jasmine.
One of the ways I've become accustomed to is to do the following in a beforeEach block:
mockService = {}
inject( $controller) ->
controller = $controller('MyController', {
MyRealService: mockService
Another way is to use $provide
to stub my dependency injected service:
module('app', ($provide) ->
mockService = {}
$provide.value('MyService', mockService)
When I had:
afterEach ->
in my test. Only the $provide
method worked, and the $controller
style would not. Using $controller
the test was somehow hitting MyRealService
and including all of its dependencies, rather than ignoring and using mockService
. Without the verifyNoOutstandingExpectation()
, both methods seem to behave the same and the test passes.
What are the main differences between the 2 styles? When should you be using one over the other? Any ideas why the effect of stubbing is different in the presence of a verifyNoOutstandingExpectation()
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