Is there a way to mock dependencies for provider configuration? I have the following module:
.module('xApp', [])
.constant('constantOne', 'value one')
.constant('constantTwo', 'value two')
.provider('foo', ['constantOne', function(constantOne) {
return {
$get: ['constantTwo', function(constantTwo) {
return constantOne;
and tests for that:
describe('foo', function () {
// load the controller's module
beforeEach(module('xApp', function($provide) {
$provide.constant('constantOne', 'test value one');
$provide.constant('constantTwo', 'test value two');
it('should show the problem', inject(function (constantOne, constantTwo, foo) {
expect(constantOne).toBe('test value one'); // passes
expect(constantTwo).toBe('test value two'); // passes
expect(foo).toBe('test value one'); // fails, the value returned is 'value one'
The problem is with mocking constantOne - the provider 'foo' sees the original value instad of the mocked one.
I'm using angular 1.2.17 but also checked that the same behavior occurs in 1.4
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