jeudi 28 mai 2015

could not find implicit value for parameter context :

want to write test cases for the below program using TestActorRef . nested actor scenario but when i try to create context i m facing compilation errors . Please do help me with solution

Main Program : object TextCleaningScheduler extends App {

val system = ActorSystem("cleanText")

val projectsActor = system.actorOf( Props(classOf[DataByProjects]) )

projectsActor ! ProcessDataByConnections(1,1)


case class ProcessDataByConnections( accID : Int, projectID : Int )

class DataByProjects extends Actor { def receive = {

case ProcessDataByConnections( accID, projectID ) => {

  val dbName            = "some_example"
  val connectionStr     = "cassandra://IPaddress/" + dbName
  val elasticsearchIp   = "ipaddress"
  val elasticsearchPort = "9200"

  val dbObject = new DatabaseOperations(dbName,

  val query       = "{ \"query\" : { \"match\" : { \"project_info_mapping.project_id\" : " + projectID + " } } }"
  val fetchedData = dbObject.queryData("project_instance",query,"project_instance","data")
  var counter = 0
  //for ( row <- fetchedData) {
    val row = fetchedData(0)
    val conn              = row("project_instance_id")
    val textCleaningInfo  = row("text_cleaning")

    val tempConn = 3
    val queueName         = "RAWDATA_A" + accID + "_C" + tempConn

    var accInfo : Map[String, Any]   = Map( "accID" -> accID , "projectID" -> projectID, "conn" -> tempConn )
    accInfo        += ("textCleaning" -> textCleaningInfo, "wordsToRemove" ->  row("remove_words"), "findAndReplace" -> row("find_and_replace") )
    accInfo        += ("dataVariable" -> row("data_variable_name"), "dataLabel" -> row("data_variable_label") )

    val queueActor = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[GetAndPushQueue], accInfo ), "queue" + counter )

TestProgram : inside test class using flatspec scalatest framework

val actorRef = TestActorRef[DataByProjects]

actorRef ! ProcessDataByConnections(1, 1)

val accInfo =1

val counter = 0

val context = actorRef.underlyingActor

actorRef.forward("child" , context.context)

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