vendredi 3 juillet 2015

MongoDB with C# driver 2.0 is frozen

I am running a C# app with MongoDB 2.0 driver and ran into the following error when I ran all my tests:

System.InvalidOperationException : Class map for <TopClassName> has been frozen and no further changes are allowed.

System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred.  ----> MongoDB.Bson.BsonException : Unable to find a matching member to provide the value for parameter 'inBed'

However, running every single test one at a time gives no errors. So for some reason the class map is frozen...

Here is what I have (P.S, if you spot something that is way off, let me know):

A hierarchy with 3 abstract classes and one concrete class:

public abstract class BaseEvent
    public Guid Id;
    public List<int> Data;
    public dynamic Condition;
    public string TimeStamp;

    protected BaseEvent(List<int> data, dynamic condition)
        Data = data;
        Condition = condition;
        TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString();
        Id = Guid.NewGuid();

public abstract class Basic : BaseEvent
    protected Basic(List<int> data, bool condition) : base(data, condition)

public abstract class BedEvent : Basic
    protected BedEvent(List<int> data, bool inBed) : base(data, inBed)

public class DummyBed : BedEvent
    public DummyBed(List<int> data, bool inBed) : base(data, inBed)

The RegisterHelper is a singleton that is kept alive, more on that a bit down. The constructor of my app will register the top class BaseEvent:

var baseEvent = BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<BaseEvent>(cm =>
    cm.MapMember(c => c.Data);
    cm.MapMember(c => c.Condition);
    cm.MapMember(c => c.TimeStamp);
    cm.MapIdMember(c => c.Id).SetIdGenerator(GuidGenerator.Instance);


For each concrete class, as the DummyBed, I call a homebrewed (and likely to be the cause of the problem) register method.

This method looks at all the baseclasses and, if not found on a list, adds them recursively to all classes above them self, much like this:

public static void RegisterNewClass<T>(T theObject)
    if (!lvl3Found)
        var lvl3Map = new BsonClassMap(lvl3Type); //lvl3Type is a System.Type

Running tests:

public class InsertEventIntoDatabaseTest
    private EventDatabase _eventDatabase;

    public void Setup()
        _eventDatabase = new EventDatabase();
        _eventDatabase.EmptyDatabase(); //Clean slate each time

    public void TearDown()
        _eventDatabase = null;

    public void GetSubTypeDocument_FindDummyBed_Success()
        var bed = new DummyBed(new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3}, true);

        var doc = _eventDatabase.GetDocument();


        Assert.That(doc, Is.TypeOf<DummyBed>()); //Great success

    public void FindTypeEvents_FindTwo_Succes()
        var data = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
        var bed1 = new DummyBed(data, true);
        var bed2 = new DummyBed(data, true);


        var foundEvents = _eventDatabase.FindTypeEvents(typeof(BedEvent));
        Assert.That(foundEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); // Frozen

However - running each test by it self gives only green check marks. So it is down to how fast it can handle events.

The database is cleared each time a new test is run, so there should be no operations running.

The methods called should wait until they finish:

public void InsertEventInDatabase(BaseEvent inputBaseEvent)
    inputBaseEvent.Condition = (inputBaseEvent.Condition is bool ? (inputBaseEvent.Condition == true ? 100 : 0) : inputBaseEvent.Condition);

    var collection = _database.GetCollection<dynamic>(DatabaseCollection);
    collection.InsertOneAsync(inputBaseEvent).Wait(); //Should wait, right?

public List<BaseEvent> FindTypeEvents(Type typeFilter)
    var name = _database.GetCollection<BaseEvent>(DatabaseCollection)
        .Find(x => x.Id != Guid.Empty)

    return name.Result; //Should wait here as well, right?

Any suggestions on where to look for the cause of the problem? It is quite limit with information on the interwebs after the April update of the C# driver, so any suggestions are welcome.

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