mardi 26 juillet 2016

Is this possible to check if mock being called with one of parameters list

Let's say we have some method:

def sleep(self, seconds=0):
    seconds = seconds or self.wait_timer

And method-caller:

def _sleep_before_next(self, number: int) -> None:
    for counter, wait_timers in self.SLEEPING_RANGES.items():
        if number % counter == 0:

I want to test that self.sleep being called with one of wait_timers. So possible options:

First is which I'm using now: patch random.choice to always return first element and then use mock's assert_has_calls.

@mock.patch('random.choice', lambda iterable: iterable[0])
@mock.patch.object(MyClass, 'sleep')
def test_sleep_before_next_calling_time_sleep_with_correct_time(self, mock_time):
    assert mock_time.call_count == 3
    calls = [,,]
    mock_time.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True)

Second option is to observe on random.choice and see that needed wait_timers were passed. Both of this options required me to mock two objects. So I wander if unittest.mock allows to check if one of some params being passed to function to reduce number of mocks, e.g.

>>> my_mock(20)
>>> my_mock.time.assert_called_with_one_of(10, 20, 30)
>>> True

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