lundi 4 juillet 2016

Jasmine Testing Isues with mockup

Hey folks I have a jasmine coffeescript test like the one below. I'm trying to mock an event and test that in the javascript. Below is the test spec.

  describe 'Interviews', ->
   describe 'TTI.questionAdd', ->
    it 'should close modal when choose a question is empty', ->
     spyOn(TTI.Position, 'questionCancel')

      $('.btn-question-add').on('click', TTI.Position.questionAdd)

       htmlMock = '<form action="javascript:void();>"'
       htmlMock += '<ul id="#question-create-methods">'
       htmlMock += '<li class="active"><a href="#">Choose a Question</a></li>'
       htmlMock += '</ul>'
       htmlMock += '<input class="btn-question-add" type="submit">'
       htmlMock += '</form>'




And here is my real coffeescript file snippet

TTI.Position.questionAdd = (e) ->
 t = $(this)
 id = t.attr 'id'
 tab = $('').data('type')
 type = 'vod'
 duration = parseInt($('.js-duration-mins').val()) * 60 + parseInt($('.js-duration-secs').val())
 switch $('#question-create-methods').find(' a').html()
  when 'Choose a Question'
   body = $('#library_questions').find('').html()
  when 'Write a Question'
   body = $('#question_write_body').val()
  when 'Custom Question Bank'
   question_bank_id = $('#question-custom').find('').data('id')
   body = $('#question-custom').find('').html()

But when I print out $('#question-create-methods').find(' a').html() to the console from the actual javascript, it's always undefined!! This is making me nuts as it's preventing me to test this properly by mocking the ' a' element. What am I doing wrong? It could be that the javascript is getting executed before the dom is loaded, so how do I make sure that is not the case. Please help! Thanks!

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