mardi 26 juillet 2016

Stub a chained void method

I'm wondering how to stub a void method's actions when the void method is a the last method in a chain of method invocations. For example, we have the following (extremely simplified) classes:

public class MyClass {
    private MyDependency myDependency;

    public void put(Item item) {

public class MyDependency {
    private MyDao myDao;

public class MyDao {
    public void putItem(Item item) throws Exception {
        // saves item to database
        // ...

How do we write a test for the case when a nested dependency throws an exception?

private MyClass myClass;

@Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)
private MyDependency injectedMyDependency;

private void stubDependencyException1() throws Exception {
    doThrow(new Exception())

private void stubDependencyException2() throws Exception {
    doThrow(new Exception())

private void stubDependencyException3() throws Exception {
    MyDao mockDao = mock(MyDao.class);
    doThrow(new Exception()).when(mockDao).putItem(any());

public void test1() throws Exception {

    myClass.put(new Item());

public void test2() throws Exception {

    myClass.put(new Item());

@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void test3() throws Exception {

    myClass.put(new Item());

Test 1 - does not work because the getDao() does not throw an exception:

Checked exception is invalid for this method!

Test 2 - fails for this reason:

Unfinished stubbing detected here:
-> at com.blah...

E.g. thenReturn() may be missing.
Examples of correct stubbing:
 1. missing thenReturn()
 2. you are trying to stub a final method, you naughty developer!
 3: you are stubbing the behaviour of another mock inside before 'thenReturn' instruction if completed

Test 3 - works, but not as readable as others; does not take advantage of RETURN_DEEP_STUBS.

Is there a different way of stubbing that takes advantage of RETURN_DEEP_STUBS?

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