lundi 1 août 2016

Testing Angular2 components that use setInterval or setTimeout

I have a fairly typical, simple ng2 component that calls a service to get some data (carousel items). It also uses setInterval to auto-switch carousel slides in the UI every n seconds. It works just fine, but when running Jasmine tests I get the error: "Cannot use setInterval from within an async test zone".

I tried wrapping the setInterval call in => {...}), but the error remained. I would've thought changing the test to run in fakeAsync zone would solve the problem, but then I get an error saying XHR calls are not allowed from within fakeAsync test zone (which does make sense).

How can I use both the XHR calls made by the service and the interval, while still being able to test the component? I'm using ng2 rc4, project generated by angular-cli. Many thanks in advance.

My code from the component:

constructor(private carouselService: CarouselService) {

ngOnInit() {
    this.carouselService.getItems().subscribe(items => { 
        this.items = items; 
    this.interval = setInterval(() => { 
    }, this.intervalMs);

And from the Jasmine spec:

it('should display carousel items', async(() => {
        .overrideProviders(CarouselComponent, [provide(CarouselService, { useClass: CarouselServiceMock })])
        .createAsync(CarouselComponent).then((fixture: ComponentFixture<CarouselComponent>) => {
            let compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
            // some expectations here;

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