mardi 2 août 2016

Using Mockito Matchers.any() with custom annotation

I am trying to write a Junit test which will verify whether the following method is called:

public long executeRequest(@RequestCodes.Code.RequestAnnotation int requestCode, Object requestInformation, RequestListener requestListener) {

    boolean success = false;

    ... do stuff ...

    return success ? 1L : -1L;


in a test using:

Mockito.when(mockedRequest.executeRequest(Matchers.any(RequestCodes.Code.RequestAnnotation.class), Matchers.any(RequestWrapper.class), Matchers.any(RequestListener.class))).thenReturn(1L);

The RequestCodes.Code.RequestAnnotation class is a elementary indef interface using an int to identify the call to make using a switch. Pretty much like this.

Matchers.any(RequestCodes.Code.RequestAnnotation.class) won't work here and I have tried Matchers.any(), Matchers.anyInt(), Matchers.isA(RequestCodes.Code.RequestAnnotation.getClass()) (as well as anything else that came to mind) with no success.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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