samedi 27 décembre 2014

Unit test security of ASP.NET MVC controller methods

Are there any recommended ways to unit test the security of one's MVC controller methods for security (in ASP.NET MVC 5)? e.g. I have administrator users and normal users, and I want to have a unit test to ensure that only administrators can access certain pages. e.g.:

/// <summary>
/// Initial page for creating a new <see cref="Widget"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> used to indicate the view to be
/// rendered. Guaranteed not to be null or empty.
/// </returns>
[Authorize(Roles = "ADMIN")]
public ActionResult Create()
return this.View(new CreateWidgetModel());

... and the unit test should be something like:

public void VerifyOnlyAdminsCanCreateWidgets()

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