mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Unable to convert MSTest to NUnit Test using rhino mocks

I am following this post to implement MVP Pattern.

At the end of the article the testing is performed, which is performed in Microsoft Visual studio Test environment with Mock for Mocking the dependencies. In my project, I am using NUnit Test environment and RhinoMock for mocking depenecies.

In the article these are the test those are SetUp:

 mockView.SetupSet(v => v.Products = It.Is<List<ProductItem>>(i => i.Count == 3)).Verifiable();
    mockView.SetupSet(v => v.Total = It.Is<decimal>(t => t == 8.97m)).Verifiable();
    mockView.SetupSet(v => v.SubTotal = It.Is<decimal>(t => t == 8.97m)).Verifiable();
    mockView.SetupSet(v => v.Discount = It.Is<decimal>(t => t == 0m)).Verifiable();

I like to convert these lines to setup expectation and this is what I have tried:

_view = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IView>();
_controller = new Presenter(_view);            
_view.Expect(v => v.List = ???); //  List is my property defined in IView

NOTE:I am using NUnit and Rhino mocks for mocking.

Any help is really appreciated.

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